There is no better way to start my morning, than reading a relevant sentence from the book ’Secret’:

„The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want. Listen to your thoughts, and listen to the words you are saying. The law of aattraction is absolute and there are no mistakes. An epidemic worse than any plague that humankind has ever seen has been raging for centuries. It is the “don’t want” epidemic. People keep this epidemic alive when they predominantly think, speak, act, and focus on what they “don’t want.” But this is the generation that will change history, because we are receiving the knowledge that can free us of this epidemic! It begins with you, and you can become a pioneer of this new thought movement by simply thinking and speaking about what you want.”  (The Secret, Rhonda Byrne)

So you should start thinking this way today and this is gonna be a great one for you.

More about ’The Secret’ HERE:

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