Keep our eyes on the target.

Perhaps the most important and difficult task for a writer is to direct the reader towards the purpose of the story all throughout his novel and to do everything to ensure that the reader does not lose sight of it. Many novels start at a brilliant pace, their plots explode like dynamite, but then the writer is lost in the forest of descriptions and details of events or characters.

If we ever sit down to write, ask ourselves whether we are moving towards the conclusion of the given part, chapter, story or not. If the plot or subplot branches out in too many directions, then the plot cools down and we simply freeze into our own novel. If this happens, we can be almost sure that the reader, who has been patient with us till then, will put down the story, or, worse still, us… forever. Every reader, consciously or instinctively, seeks the core of your story in your book, which, of course, is also its purpose.

That’s what keeps them holding on to your book, and that’s what they’re going to remember years from now, or else they’ll remember that they wasted days trying to figure out what the hell that idiot writer was trying to say with his novel.

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