About The Writer

I am a Hungarian writer and I have been writing poems and small stories since my childhood.

Many of the earlier ones were read out in literature classes at school. After school and university, I worked as a biologist, during which time I began to write a novel and learn the best of the craft of writing.

From an early age I had always dreamt of writing stories that readers would fall in love with. In my first novel, The Good, the Bad and the Beast, or Angela, as it has been published in Hungary in its original Hungarian. My disposition as a biologist is also apparent in the desctiptions of landscapes, animals and the interaction among people and cultures.

I lead the protagonists – and the reader – in a chilling novel across several cultures, from Hungary through Italy to Tibet and Nepal. In vivid images of the customs and the locals, who may never know what lurks behind the corner, or the façade of the main characters.

In my second novel, which is a crime story…well, you will have to find out the truth!

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